
The Gang needs some help with the food supply. If You could help with a PayPal donation (see "Contact us") or a teeny-tiny food order via Zooplus, it would be much appreciated. The price explosion has been killing us.
Thank You very much.

Some of the Gang - Past and Present

Here are some of the cats I care for. Currently I care for 16 cats full-time. Every day. But in addition there are regular "visitors". I feed them, provide regular things, such as worming and tick remedies; safe clean shelter, bedding, vet visits. And, of course, they are all spayed/neutered. We live in a very quiet, safe rural area.

The Team

I moved to the West of Ireland some 20 years ago with two cats from Germany, and two I adopted here. After 3 of them died, I decided not to have any more cats. But people using this area as a pet dumping ground and a feral little cat lady (MaCat) changed my mind.

Contact Us

The Tribe of Ma's photos are on Twitter, Mastodon, Instagram, and on Pixelfed. If you can help out with cat food, you can email us, or visit one of our social media pages.